Apr 11Liked by Linart Seprioto

This was great. So relatable for me, Linart. I've came to many of the same conclusions as you yet I still struggle to talk myself out of the guilt for not working.

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It's also a constant battle for me, but the first step is always awareness so at least we're getting there!

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This paragraph stood out and spoke right to me:

“Interestingly, the days when I felt most "productive" were actually the days when I made little progress at work. That's because I was simply ticking off tasks without considering whether they were truly important.”

Love how you talk about the self-imposed expectations around work and being ‘productive’. I’ve never heard it put in that way… just because we ‘feel’ we’ve been productive, doesn’t necessarily mean we’ve moved the needle. And more careful reflection is needed to determine whether an action is actually moving us towards our goal.

In a distraction filled world this post comes at the perfect time :) nice one Linart

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Renee, thank you so much for the thoughtful comment. I love how you put it: "Just because we ‘feel’ we’ve been productive, doesn’t necessarily mean we’ve moved the needle." And to your point, there is so much to gain from reflecting on these emotions and behaviors. Appreciate you being here!

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Exactly! There's even a whole network in our brain that activates when we zone out. And it's really good for our creativity and well being. So that time out isn't a luxury like we've been taught, I now see it as a necessity for healthy life. Thanks for the reply too. Looking forward to your next post :)

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Aww thanks Renee! I didn't know the bit about the brain network thing. So that's why zoning out helps cultivate creativity.

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Appreciate the shout out Linart! Enjoyed this.

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Thanks, Arman! I still think about the essay you wrote :)

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That means more than you know. Thank you!

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