May 22Liked by Linart Seprioto

I will always be grateful I found your newsletter, Linart! I already learned a lot from you, from intentional living to life design. And now, this! Made me look back at my writing days haha. Anw, it was also nice hearing your voice and thoughts!

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Always appreciate you being here, AJ. Hoping you start writing again soon, even if it's just for yourself. :')

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May 20Liked by Linart Seprioto

"I need to be picky about what I consume because it influences how I think."

This is something I've been thinking about a LOT these days!

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Yeah, I saw you read "How I Read" by Rob Henderson! I think that's where I found the idea. Lately, I don't see free content as free anymore. There's always a cost lol.

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Look at how you have evolved in the matter of weeks. I wanted to become popular too. I wanted to have 100k subscribers too. Damn it would be so good for our ego right? I soon choose to accept that what's actually inside me is purely a mixture of fear and desire. I heard people have been struggling with them since the Ancient Greek era, no?? I felt much better these days and I think I learned to live with them instead of fighting against our rare instincts.

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Deeply appreciate your honesty, Franco. I think it's really human nature to want these things, and it's not entirely wrong. But I always find it helpful to look inwards and ask why I want these things. What helped you create a better relationship with your desires?

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Born into a Buddhist family did help. But it takes a very long time to train my mind to learn to understand and accept the nature of my desires, and the fact that desire exists and it is part of human nature across time. Slowly I know what I truly want in life so I am getting better at avoiding the distractions of material stuff u know? But focus on good desires that are internal by nature such as my desires to be loved by the people I care about the most.

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Hey Linart, great piece, it's always fascinating to see how other writers write.

I liked your mini-podcast. I'm curious, did you script it and then read it, or did you ad-lib? I imagined you ad-libbed and it inspired me to try writing a whole essay that way. In other words, what if I just recorded a spoken podcast like you did, imagining that I will post it as a podcast, but then instead transcribe it into text. Would the result be better than something I tried writing? Food for thought

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