Mar 22Liked by Linart Seprioto

Lots of great ideas here, Linart. The ones on money certainly resonate with me. Like food, I don't think anyone has a completely healthy relationship with money. Some better than others but no one perfect. We either spend or save too much. Think we have enough when we don't or believe we will never have enough when we do. My money psychology could certainly use some work. Bookmarked Sherry's essay to read later.

Thanks for writing this!

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Mar 22·edited Mar 22Liked by Linart Seprioto

Also, I love the idea of an unoptimized live. Derek Sivers talks about this a lot too. Here's an 8-min clip from the Tim Ferriss show if you're interested: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2tMF6B2uKuY&ab_channel=TimFerriss

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This was a great reflection, Jack. I think it's interesting how we think about money—for the very reasons you pointed out. In fact, I might read Morgan Housel's book sometime this year because of it.

That Derek Sivers clip is so good. I already read Nat's essay on de-atomization and tried internalizing it, but Derek offers another mindset shift. I think that's a point I want to reach. To be a satisfizer more than a macimizer, but really just leaning into what feels good for me. Thank you so much for sharing the clip with me. I'll be reflecting on this in the next few days.

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Mar 22Liked by Linart Seprioto

So many insightful references here Linart! Thank you!!

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And thank YOU for the comic! 🙌🏼 HAHA I'll let you know if I actually go outside this time

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Mar 22Liked by Linart Seprioto

Thank you, Linart! Your idea #4 resonated with me the most. I have taken on new responsibilities since the past month, and I am ready to use my inner force to battle with these "opponents" haha.

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Aww, thanks AJ! I hope you handle the new responsibilities well, gpod luck :D

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Love this set of ideas here Linart!

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